The beauty that this Earth offers is enough to leave each individual spellbound! Layers of green forest cover, endless blue seas and oceans, starry skies and diverse ecosystems, scattered across the planet. However, the reality is entirely different. Day by day the forest cover is depleting, our oceans have become garbage dumps and ecosystems are ceasing to exist. Global warming has severely affected the quality of life and the state of the world we live in. This has always disturbed me and when I had the honor of serving as the President of SPECTRUM for the year 2021-22, I decided on GLOBAL WARMING AND ITS EFFECTS as the theme for the year. I hoped, in a very small way, I would be able to make a difference.

By helping organize a number of programs through the year: a Solar Energy expert from our city was invited for an interactive session over Zoom with our members and guests. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that using the power of the sun, energy can be generated which can help reduce the usage of fossil fuels and thus mitigate climate change.

 Just before Ganesh Chaturthi I met with a lawyer cum climate activist from Nasik. She showed us how to she disposes idols, religious books and artifacts in an eco-friendly fashion and how she even recycles some of them and how all of us can too can follow that path.

Every month I helped put out Eco-tips for our members with easy-to-implement solutions to everyday issues. The Rainwater Harvesting and Education Verticals helped me spread the message further.

The cherry on the cake was when two child influencers talked about Global Warming! Slowly and steadily changes in climate is impacting every part of our lives and how little changes in our everyday living…reducing the use of plastic, proper garbage disposal etc. can help reduce Global Warming.

Through the various activities that were accomplished over the past year, the biggest learning for me was that climate change is reversible, if we can all put our minds to it. All the work that was accomplished through the year has been very close to my heart. It has been immensely fulfilling to work with an active and hardworking team that shares my passion for the Earth that we live on. It was an emotional year and touching the lives of others helped me grow as an individual with a much broader view of life. Last, but not the least, the phrase ‘The Journey is the Reward’ is so true here!

Geeta Monga

Immediate Past President

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